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项目位于深圳市南山后海中心区N-06\N-07地块, 北为登良路,南面为一条规划道路,西面与中心路相隔为中心河开敞空间,东面与科苑大道相隔为内湾公园以及F1赛艇会场,生态环境、betway足球优越。地块周边交通便利,拥有地铁2号线、滨海大道、西部通道等优势,据有高可达性。
N06:登良路以南,规划道路以北,用地面积9387.8平方米,容积率6.35,规划Betway体育总面积(以规划用地许可证为准): 43800平方米
N07:规划道路以南,用地面积6903.82平方米,容积率5.45,规划Betway体育总面积(以规划用地许可证为准): 37600平方米

发布公告:    5月12日
报名和答疑截止: 5月31日
提交成果截止:  6月22日
方案评审:    6月24日(暂定)



International Competition of Conceptual Proposal of
Alibaba’s Branch Building Project in Shenzhen

Project Introduction:

The project is located in the Land N-06\N-07 of the CBD of Shenzhen Nanshan Houhai District. Its north side is Deng Liang Road; south is a planning road. There is Central River and open space between its west and the central road, while between the east and boulevard is the inner bay park and F1 Rowing Venue with agreeable ecotope and landscape. The transportation here is very convenient with the metro line 2, Bin Hai Boulevard, Line to Western Shenzhen and etc. The land is divided into 2 pieces---N-06\N-07 by a branch of the planning road.

Land N06, located on the south of Deng Liang Road and north of Planning Road, its land coverage is 9,387.8?, floor area ratio is 6.35, total building area is 43,800? (reference of land use permit)

Land N06, located on the south of Guihua Road, its land coverage is 6,903.82?, floor area ratio is 5.45, total building area is 37,600?(reference of land use permit)

This is an open competition for innovative conceptual proposals. Any design firms from home or abroad can participate and all the qualified proposals will be treated equally.

Notice:May 12th
Deadline for Application and Q&A: May 31
Submission:June 22nd
Review: June 24th(interim)

1st Prize: RMB 1,000,000,
2nd Prize: RMB 250,000,
3rd Prize:RMB100,000
No more compensation fee.
Find more details in the files attached.
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